The easiest way to make a dashboard with R is with the flexdashboard package, which we’ll play with in the workshop today.

The documentation for flexdashboard is so great and complete that I’m not going to include a full example here. There is also a brief overview in chapter 5 of the official R Markdown book. You can also watch this really quick video here. She uses a package called dimple instead of plotly, which doesn’t work with ggplot like ggplotly(), so ignore her code about dimple() and use your ggplotly() skills instead. You can search YouTube for a bunch of other short tutorial videos, too.

The quickest and easiest way to get started is to install the flexdashboard package and then in RStudio go to File > New File… > R Markdown… > From Template > Flexdashboard. That will give you an empty dashboard with three chart areas spread across two columns. Put static or dynamic graphs in the different chart areas, knit, and you’ll be good to go!

If you’re interested in making the dashboard reactive with Shiny-like elements, check out this tutorial.